A Convention Highlight

The Michel T. Halbouty Lecturer Program supports an annual lecture given at the AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition. The subject covers wildcat exploration in any part of the world—especially in areas where major discoveries might contribute significantly to petroleum reserves—or space exploration where astrogeological knowledge would further mankind’s ability to develop resources on earth and in our solar system..

Past Lecturers

Through the years, convention attendees have be honored with lectures from the industry’s best and brightest.

Year Lecturer Topic
2018 William D. Armstrong Discovery of the Pikka Field on the North Slope of Alaska
2017 David W. Beaty Resource Exploration on Mars Applying the Lessons from Earth
2016 Tim Dodson Bay du Nord: A Bold Chase for Oil in a Harsh Frontier Basin
2015 Thomas S. Ahlbrandt From Petroleum Scarcity to Abundance: Opportunities and Implications for the U.S. and World
2014 Carlos A. Dengo Transcending Geoscience Paradigms for Exploration Opportunity Growth.
2013 Jeff Ventura Range’s Path to Discovery and Commercialization of the Marcellus Shale—the Largest Producing Gas Field in the U.S.
2012 John Grotzinger Mars Science Laboratory Rover Mission: The Search for Source Rocks
2011 David Lawrence The Next Era of Exploration
2010 Aubrey K. McClendon Shale Gas and America’s Energy Future
2009 Guilherme de Oliveira Estrella Breaking Paradigms: Giant Discoveries in Brazil
2008 Ray L. Hunt Distinguishing Successful Wildcatters: How Your Company Can Be Among the Best
2007 Kurt Rudolph Current Exploration Trends: Prudent Investments or Irrational Exuberance
2006 Harrison Schmitt Wildcatting the Moon
2005 John Robbins In Depth look of the Discovery of the Buzzard Field
2004 Brian Maxted Exploration Perspectives and Paradigms -- Finding Oil in the Future
2003 W.J. "Bill" Barrett and Peter Dea Rocky Mountain Monumental Gas Discoveries -- ROCKS AND ROLES -- Five Decades of Talent, Mentors, Old and New Breed of Leadership and Entrepreneurship
2002 David Rainey Changing the Game in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico: The Road to Crazy Horse and Beyond
2001 Carolyn Shoemaker Through a Crystal Ball

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