Trustee Associate Bylaws



This organization, which is part of the AAPG Foundation (“Foundation”), shall be named the “Trustee Associates of the AAPG Foundation.”


The purposes of this organization are to advance the aims and goals of the Foundation as stated in Paragraph One (1) of Article II of the Foundation Articles of Incorporation, and to render assistance to the Trustees of the Foundation.


The membership of this organization shall be composed of the Trustee Associates, Trustees and Trustees Emeritus of the AAPG Foundation.


This organization, known as the “Trustee Associates of the AAPG Foundation,” functions under the direction of the Trustees of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation.


Membership in this organization shall consist of AAPG members, former AAPG members and spouses of deceased Trustee Associates. The requirements for membership, as a Trustee Associate shall be determined by the Trustees of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation.


Section 1. Executive Authority

The executive authority of this organization shall be vested in an Executive Committee composed of the following positions:

  1. Chairman
  2. Vice-Chairman
  3. Secretary-Treasurer

Section 2. Jurisdiction

The Executive Committee shall have general executive control and management of the affairs and funds of this organization, including but not limited to: designation of the time and place of the Annual Meeting of the Trustee Associates; supervision of the election of officers; coordinating the affairs, purposes and aims of this organization with the Trustees of the AAPG Foundation; keeping the membership informed of actions taken between Annual Meetings; encouraging solicitation of donations to the AAPG Foundation; establishing such fiscal policies as may be appropriate; and performing such administrative duties as may be necessary to accomplish the aims and purposes of this organization.

Section 3. Meetings

The Executive Committee shall meet during the year as the Executive Committee designates and at the call of the Chair. Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply at all meetings. No proxy votes shall be allowed, and no alternates may be appointed for absent members.


Section 1. Designation

The officers of this organization shall be the following:

  1. Chairman
  2. Vice-Chairman
  3. Secretary-Treasurer

Section 2. Chair

The Chair shall be the chief executive officer of this organization and shall preside at meetings of the Executive Committee and Annual Meeting of the Trustee Associates. The Chair shall maintain close contact with the Trustees of the AAPG Foundation. The Chair shall appoint the members of all committees.

Section 3. Vice-Chair

The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence or inability of the Chair to serve. The Vice-Chair shall be responsible for planning the Annual Meeting. In addition, the Vice-Chair shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Chair.

Section 4. Secretary-Treasurer

The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for recording the actions of the Executive Committee and the proceedings of the Annual Meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer shall supervise the receipt and disbursement of all funds of the organization and shall serve without bond. The Secretary-Treasurer shall perform other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.

Section 5. Terms of Office

The Chair and Vice-Chair shall serve approximately one-year terms and shall not succeed themselves in office. The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve a two-year term and may be elected to a second two-year term, by the Trustee Associates one time only.

The terms of office shall commence immediately following the last scheduled event at the Annual Meeting.

Section 6. Election of Officers

Officers shall be elected by open ballot at the business session at the Annual Meeting. The Chair shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three (3) members to select a single slate of officers.  Additional nominations for any office may be made from the floor by any member at the time of election of officers at the Annual Meeting.

Additional nominations for any office may be made from the floor by any member at the time of election of officers at the Annual Meeting.

In case of a tie, the Presiding Officer at the business session of the Annual Meeting shall cast the deciding vote.

Section 7. Vacancies

A vacancy occurring in the office of Chair, Vice-Chair, or Secretary-Treasurer shall be filled by appointment, by the remaining Executive Committee.


Section 1. Standing Committees

The organization shall establish the following Committees and appoint chairs as necessary:

  1. Membership
  2. Annual Meeting
  3. Nominating

Section 2. Appointments and Tenure

The Chair shall appoint the committee members and the committee chair and fill vacancies as they occur. The Executive Committee shall determine the number of members of each standing committee and their term of office. The Executive Committee may remove any committee member or chair for cause.

Section 3. Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall coordinate the seeking-out of potential donors by all Trustee Associates and shall actively solicit new members.

Section 4. Annual Meeting Committee

The committee for the Annual Meeting organization shall assist the Vice-Chair in the planning for and actual operation of the Annual Meeting. One member of this committee shall be designated the Field Trip Chair and shall be in charge of all aspects of the geologic field trip at each Annual Meeting. The Field Trip Chair shall normally be a Trustee Associate from the area in which the field trip will be held.

Section 5. Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for the selection of a single slate of officer-candidates prior to the Annual Meeting.

The Nominating Committee shall be made up of the last three Chairs, with the immediate past-Chair being the Chair of the Nominating Committee. The Committee shall request nominees from the membership prior to selection of the slate.

Section 6. Ad Hoc Committees

The Chair may appoint temporary (ad hoc) committees as the Executive Committee deems advisable. They shall report back to the Executive Committee and shall be discharged when the task is deemed complete.


Section 1. Proposal of Amendments

Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed either by resolution of the Executive Committee, or by a written proposal of any five members submitted to the Executive Committee and to the Trustees.

Section 2. Review of Amendments

Any amendments to the Bylaws proposed shall be communicated to the Trustees for comment prior to the business session at the Annual Meeting.

Section 3. Voting on Amendments

Proposed amendments shall be voted upon at the business session of the Annual Meetings. Proposals receiving affirmative two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast are passed.


If you have a question about the AAPG Foundation Trustee Associates, call us at +1-918-560-2644 or email below